Hosting a get-to-gather for your friends and family in a warm weather of a beautiful evening is a wonderful thing to start the summer or celebrate an occasion. But the fun would miss if the party is not in the budget. Celebrate awesome and spend wisely with a little of planning ahead.
Check out below tips which keeps your fun level up and cost level down:
The first and the foremost advice is to do yourself – the more you do yourself, the slower the costs add up. Prepare salads, peeling the carrots saves you a lot of money. It is cheaper and fresher too. Assemble the plates by yourself instead of hiring a caterer, a bit of preparation will save a lot of money.
Make fewer dishes – Prepare a list of the desired dishes, edit them and come up with fewer dishes. Give the preference to the number of people attending the party and how much can one can eat in an average. This way we are saving the money spent on food stuff and also not wasting the food.
Buy foods in bulk – Choose the suitable deals from Couponsbooth and buy the best party stuff and food stuff to save more money. Buy frozen food packs for snacks in bulk than purchasing pre-made party food. And also prepare some good home food, because cooking at home reduces the costs than bringing it from an expensive restaurant. Moreover, home food can be heathier and tastier.
If it is a birthday or an anniversary party, make a cake on your own. A customized cake from a bakery might be very expensive. Get the things from a local store, and start preparing cake of your own choices adding lot of fruits and cream, rather than using rich chocolate or litchi flavor. Another affordable and the easiest way to celebrate the party is to make cupcakes. Grab some properties from the grocery shop and bake a few cupcakes with the party theme for kids.
Cool up the summer with drinks – Beverages are the next expensive party stuff to be served on the gatherings, especially in summer. But there are smart ways to sidestep the expenses, get some fruit punch packages bottles from an online store using coupons and daily deals and use it as a welcome drink for the party. It adds up the value for your party, as well as it is one of the best ways to hype the summer foodie.
Buy party stuff like dishes and glassware beforehand than waiting for the party time. Start building a collection and keep it safe in your kitchen, it can help you to save the money in a long run. There are number of online portals like Couponsbooth which gives you the deals on the best party stuff and food stuff.
Finally, keep it simple and small. Don’t blow the budget with any expensive flavours or return gifts. Use the coupons available online to get the best party stuff to save more.